Monday, October 25, 2010

Positive And Negative Messages In Advertising

AUTHOR: unknown



SUMMARY: Researchers have discovered that consumers will spend more on a product using positive advertising if there is no deadline or the deadline is far in the future for the purchase. On the other hand, if the deadline is eminent, consumers will spend more money on products using negative advertising. A positive advertisement is something that encourages a consumer to buy a product because something good will happen to them if they do. One example is “get the best deal”. A negative advertisement is something that discourages a consumer from not buying the product. An example is “do not get ripped off.”

Researchers have also discovered that high levels of emotion in an advertisement have a positive effect on consumers regardless of the intended message of the advertisement or what the emotion in the advertisement is. In addition, advertisements with low levels of emotion have no effect on the consumer, no matter how factual or informative the advertisement is. This suggests that companies should focus more on the creativity and emotion in their advertisement than on factual information because no matter how good your product sounds on paper, consumers are only affected by the emotions in the advertisement. This may also lead to consumers being less aware that the advertisement is influencing their behavior, thus making them more susceptible to its sway.

To sum it all up, in an advertisement you should use positive reinforcement for products that there is no eminent deadline to purchase and negative advertisement if there is an eminent deadline. In addition, it does not matter what you say, but how you say it.

LINKS TO STUDY: none listed


SUBMITTED BY: Stephanie Walker

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