Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mind Over Mood

AUTHOR: Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D.

PUBLICATION NAME: Psychology Today

DATE OF PUBLICATION: August 13, 2010

SUMMARY: A lady named Gina used to complain how she didn't have control of how the way she felt. She then learned that her thoughts are mainly responsible for her emotions and feelings. After, she knew how to control her emotions and alter any negative thoughts. Despite the quote "mind over matter" being quite fairly true, it's been increasingly clear that thoughts mainly control and influence one's emotions, feelings and attitudes. An important fact is, "it's not events that trigger our emotions, rather it's how we think about events that determine our feelings."
Our emotional reactions to external stimuli are really the combined effects of the external event and our interpretation. Also known as, cognitive connection; the link that joins together events and emotions of our experiences. Our reactions to outside influences are actually the feelings of a certain event and our intake of it. In my opinion, thoughts control everything. Many things can influence what you think, but it's best to follow your mind, and not just the situation. (If that makes sense..)



ARTICLE: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/think-well/201008/mind-over-mood-feeling-better-thinking-better


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