Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why we struggle in our relationships

AUTHOR: Mel Schwartz

PUBLICATION NAME: Psychology Today.

DATE OF PUBLICATION: December 5, 2010

SUMMARY: This article addressed the problems people face in relationships and the most common reason why these problems arise. When in a relationship, most couples face countless disappointments. However, instead of trying to stop future disappointments by coming to an understanding of how the problem arose, couples have the tendency of blaming their significant others or even themselves. When looking at divorce statistics, one would instantly come to the conclusions that most relationships and marriages do not last. But the reason could be that people constantly place the fault on themselves or place the fault on their partners. Both of these are considered negative energy and both only lead to guilt. The research came to the conclusion that relationships between couples who only blame one another would never last because they would only argue. Instead of ruining a relationship based on problems, people must seek help to understand the problem. In addition, instead of only looking to repair the relationships, people must seek a way to feel fulfillment and joy with their partner. Relationships among people are not taught in classrooms, so in order to succeed and live happily, one must address the problem and understand that they cannot just seek for a salvation of their relationship. In order for the relationship to work, the need to be aware of the problem and read, go to workshops, and do therapy. The research even suggests that therapy before marriage is a much healthier way to keep a marriage stable and lasting. Through doing this, couples would come to realize that relationships can only last through the understanding and engagement of commitment to one's partner.



SUBMITTED BY: Connie Giang

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